
Crisis Response & Trauma Care 301

Original price was: $800.00.Current price is: $299.00.


Crisis Response & Trauma Care 301: Domestic and Community Response

This course focuses in on how to help people undergoing crises in their local community or in their own home. Domestic and Community Crisis Response highlights how to deal with domestic violence, crisis in schools or workplaces, gang violence, and other culturally relevant topics.

Continuing Education
This course includes 12 Continuing Education (CE) credits approved for counselors, life coaches, and crisis responders who are credentialed through the International Board of Christian Care (IBCC) or one of its affiliate boards: the Board of Christian Professional and Pastoral Counseling (BCPPC); the Board of Christian Life Coaching (BCLC); the Board of Mental Health Coaching (BMHC) and the Board of Christian Crisis and Trauma Response (BCCTR).


CRTC 301: Lost Grievers: Responding to People Facing Unrecognized Losses
Jennifer Cisney, M.A. and Kevin Ellers, D. Min.
As a crisis responder, one must recognize that the emotional, spiritual, and psychological impacts of an incident are measured by how each individual is affected and specific losses they experience. Some of the most challenging losses are those that are not publically recognized or socially acknowledged as significant. This session will address how to identify these "unrecognized" losses and give practical recommendations for helping.

CRTC 302: The Role of the Chaplain
BG (Ret.) Charlie Baldwin, M.Div.; Chaplain Keith Ethridge, M.Div.; MG (Ret.) Bob Dees, M.S.
A panel of presenters describes the role of the chaplain. Soldiers often look to chaplains as trusted commanders, who can help spiritual wounds, as well as hidden wounds of war and other trauma. Students will gain a better understanding of what a chaplain’s job is, how they can influence soldiers, and learn some of the sensitive issues that chaplains deal with.

CRTC 303: The Role of the Family as a Platform for Spiritual Healing
Dennis Rainey, M.A.
The family is also part of the caregiving equation, and counselors need to understand their important role. In this lesson, Dennis Rainey will discuss God’s plan and tools for marriage, and will provide encouragement to people who have difficult situations within their family settings. He will also discuss how families can be victorious and overcome traumatic scenarios by the grace and power of God.

CRTC 304: The Role of the Church and the Parachurch
Neil Rhodes, B.A.; Bill Butler, Ph.D.; MG (Ret.) Bob Dees, M.S.
This lesson discusses the importance of the church being involved in the lives of trauma sufferers, as well as the necessity of teamwork and partnering with parachurch organizations. The presenters will discuss different programs, and how to team so that churches can have the best impact on the targeted population. Students will gain insight on the power of the local church to reach into the grassroots of America, partnering with the parachurch, in order to effectively help trauma sufferers.

CRTC 305: The Role of the Counselor and the Community
Linda Mintle, Ph.D.
Dr. Mintle gives students an overview of the mental health profession in order to help students learn when and how to give proper referrals. Identifying and connecting with these resources is crucial when working with victims of trauma. This lesson will also provide students with specific insights dealing with military families, and it will offer biblically based thoughts about how the role of the counselor and the community is consistent with faith, values, and the Christian worldview.

CRTC 306: Crisis Response in the Workplace
Craig Boden, M.Div., Ed.S.
This lesson will educate crisis responders on how to specifically service victims of a crisis that has taken place at work. Students will be taught how the phases of crisis response and how they can best minster to the needs of victims throughout these periods, as well as what to expect when addressing the victims.

CRTC 307: Crisis Response in High Schools and College
Joshua Straub, Ph.D.
This lesson begins by describing and defining what a crisis is, crisis preparedness and the proper approach a crisis response worker should take when responding to a crisis in either a high school or college setting. The lesson carefully outlines how a crisis team should function, how they should coordinate with other resources, and the different levels of response.

CRTC 308: Crisis Response to Crime and Acts of Violence
David Jenkins, Psy.D.
Unfortunately, crime and acts of violence are common occurrences in society. This course will educate students about crime statistics, types of crime, and the process undergone by a victim that has experienced a crime. Students will learn how to help victims cope and grow in the recovery process in addition to warning signs of poor recovery.

CRTC 309: Crisis Response to Accidents and the Aftermath
Joshua Straub, Ph.D. and Jennifer Cisney, M.A.
This lesson describes the seriousness of car accidents and the impact they can have upon a family. An interview with the Barrick family reveals how their lives were dramatically altered after a head-on collision with a drunk driver. Part of helping victims suffering the trauma of such an event is understanding the various aftereffects of the wreck.

CRTC 310: Crisis Response to Domestic Violence
Mark Crear, Ph.D. and Sabrina Black, M.A.
For many years there have been increasingly staggering statistics of victims of Domestic Violence, also referred to as Intimate Partner Violence. The two panelists will discuss how to be an effective “first responder” when encountering acts of Domestic Violence.

CRTC 311: Crisis Response to Rape and Sexual Assault
Trina Greer, Psy.D.
Immediate intervention is crucial after a person experiences the trauma of a sexual assault or rape. How can Crisis Responders best help a victim of sexual assault? What are the immediate needs of the person? What factors help a person recover? This session will help guide the Crisis Responder to effectively intervene and plan for successful ongoing recovery of the sexual assault victim.

CRTC 312: Trauma and Spirituality
Scott Floyd, Ph.D.
This course juxtaposes trauma with spirituality, offering biblical insight to counselors who may help those suffering from a traumatic event. A definition for trauma, as well as various types and examples, are given; biblical examples and advice follow in the second portion of the lesson. The counselor is given practical advice for guiding a victim through the healing process with spiritual aid.

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